October 24, 2005

Kick in the Tush Club

I subscribe to lots of inspirational and informational newsletters about weight loss. One of my favorites is Our Lady of Weight Loss and I tried looking around for a subscription address but my eyes failed me. Check out the link, though, and maybe you'll have better luck!

I enjoyed this message:

The color Orange represents the changing of the seasons. It is a color on the edge - on the threshold – of change. Orange transports us from the hot dog days (not hotdog days) of summer to the fragrant first oranges and mandarins of the fall. Orange is the color of October sunsets, and it evokes images of autumn leaves, pumpkins, and together with the color Black, Halloween.
Orange is the color of October.
Orange - a mixture of red and yellow - is a brilliant and dazzling color. It symbolizes energy, warmth, and the sun. Orange commands attention as does red, but with the presence of affable yellow, orange gives way to a slightly less intense experience.
Orange is a stimulant. It stimulates emotions, thoughts, conversation and even appetite. With Halloween upon us and its pumpkins piled high at every green market, perched on every doorstep, along with those mountains of haunting little orange devils called candy corn found at every turn of the supermarket, it’s no wonder we’re in danger of caving-in to the call of the candy-filled Jack-O-Lantern.
Stay strong my friends. Limit your treats, lest Halloween haunt you for months to come.
Fun Orange Facts:

In Ireland, the color orange is associated with the protestant religion.

Black boxes on airplanes are painted orange so they are more visible to the human eye. (Why not call them orange boxes?)

If you dream in orange, you can expect an unexpected change in your life! (Expect the Unexpected, I always say.)

Orange has the optical illusion of making objects look like they are in the foreground, whether they are or not.

Orange Blossoms are a symbol of love.

There was a little table that explains the colors:

RED - The color of power, vitality, motivation, strength
ORANGE - The color of confidence, energy, joy, warmth
YELLOW - The color of strength, intelligence, joy,
happiness, optimism
GREEN - The color of balance, harmony, caring,
tenacious self-reliance, and healing
BLUE - The color of calmness, concentration,
healing, relaxation, loyalty, and trust
INDIGO - The color of soothing, power, connection
with knowledge, idealism, introversion.....and martyrdom?
VIOLET - The color of creativity, intuition, spirituality,

Check out the link for the entire newsletter as well as links to other articles, pictures and information!

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