November 14, 2005


This is what I need...if it works! Since finding my daughter's encouraging notes, I've been forcing myself to stay on the path and actually managed to lose 3 pounds! My daughters and I joined a gym (with a pool, a must because of my ankle) on Friday and are looking forward to getting some exercise. The biggest drawback is that it's 20 miles away...but this is something I must do. I just wish I didn't feel half starved most of the day. How much was I really eating?

This has been my typical day since I last posted:

6 oz. non fat yogurt
1 cup 2% milk for my coffee during the day
10 baby carrots
1 orange
1 apple
1 Weight Watcher or Healthy Choice lunch, usually 250 calories or about 5 points
6 oz of protein for dinner
no-fat popcorn, 1 bag

All that adds up to my allowable 31 points per day. I get 35 points extra per week and believe me, I do use them up.

I drink water to the point it makes me sick instead of filling me up.

How do they do it on Survivor?

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