August 21, 2005

Tiny Dorm Rooms

Moving in day for my son in upstate NY Posted by Picasa

Well...if ever there was an incentive for my kid to lose weight, it's his dorm room! See the above picture? You can see just about the whole room -- and 3 guys are supposed to live in that teeny little room! It's located in the basement ... there's no elevator and steep stairs down. Billy should get plenty of exercise going up and down those stairs, particularly if there are no elevators in the whole building. He brought his bike, too, and riding around campus will provide lots of exercise for him.

As for me...I'm still working on it and sticking to my food plan. As you can see by the picture, though, I don't seem to be losing anything. :(


Dana said...

At least you have started and that's what counts. I have a weight loss blog too and have neglected it for a while. I have to get myself in order so I can seriously get down to business in losing weight.

Have you ever read the website, ( I have a humor column on there and the site has some great articles on weight loss. Go check it out.

And good luck on your weight loss journey!

Nan said...

Gah - loosing weight can be so difficult. Hopefully campus will be so exciting and fun that he will just enjoy he's time there and suddenly notice he actually lost a lot of weight too.