December 19, 2005

Directionally Challenged

Today I tried out a water aerobics fitness class for people with arthritis. Boy am I directionally challenged! "Start with your left foot," says the instructor and I'm moving my right. "Go this way" and I'm going the other way. Outward is inward and I follow my knees backward. Oh well. I had fun and got a pretty good workout. My biggest challenge was balancing myself--the other members of the class say that will come with time and practice. I'm not sure about being off step though...that's been a lifelong thing with me. I never did learn to polka because I can't get the 3 step movement down.

I need to do a lot more water aerobics to work off everything I've eaten in the last couple of days though. It comes off so slowly yet comes back so quickly!

I won't give up!

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