January 05, 2006

Here's another one...

...another diet, I mean. It's called the Sonoma Diet and there is an exerpt of it here.

I felt leery because I don't like the word "diet" anymore. It's a lifestyle. I was curious, though, and so I read the original story on CBS here.

I thought some things sounded pretty good. The author of the book (same name) is Connie Guttersen and she names 10 power foods:

Among them, whole grains: Not only do they contain fiber and nutrients that are going to sustain you with energy and keep you satisfied, but they are very important during weight loss.

Another power food? Almonds, which Guttersen describes as "a healthy type of fat for your heart that also keep you from getting hungry in between meals.

Yet another? Olive oil, a "heart-healthy fat."

Not to mention fruits and vegetables loaded with antioxidants and flavor, specifically, grapes, tomatoes, blueberries.

So far so good. Except for the almonds, these are foods I already eat and enjoy.

The drawback?

The plan includes three "waves."

"Wave One" lasts ten days, and is "an introduction where you experience the most rapid part of your weight loss, but it actually targets those extra pounds around your waist," Guttersen says. "You may not like how those pounds fit with your clothes, but that's really a red flag to heart disease, diabetes and possibly even Alzheimer's. Wave One also shifts your body into new gear, where you're not craving sugary high fat foods. You're satisfied with these nutrient rich foods and that's going to keep you motivated to keep going."

Participants stay on "Wave Two" until they reach their goal weights, and "Wave Three" is a maintenance mode.

Oh...so that's like Atkins and South Beach and other diets. So what happens if you mess up while you're one wave two? Do you go back and do wave one again? And usually the first stage is really tough because of being so limited in portions and types of food. I dunno...but I'm still curious enough to want to read the book. Wonder if I can get a copy from the library yet?

Last night, my daughter and I went back to Weight Watchers. We'd both gained about 2 lbs apiece which isn't too bad considering all the food we ate while on vacation to Tennessee over the holidays!

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