January 19, 2006

This Week's Goals

Last night was Weight Watchers and to my complete surprise, I'd lost 2 pounds. But did it make me happy? I think, but I've been feel really down so I didn't feel happy. I didn't exercise at all so far this week. Over the weekend, I was in a great deal of pain. In the beginning of the week, I'd begun to feel better but I was afraid to exercise because I thought the pain would come back.

Now it's just depression.

I made some goals for this WW week, which begins today and ends next Thursday. I think I need to do more active fighting of this depression and I plan to do it by making myself get out and do stuff:

1. pick up around the house
2. spend time outside with the dog, kick a ball to him, etc
3. go shopping for birthday gifts for my daughter and grandson
4. while I'm there shopping, walk around the mall
5. most important of all, swim at the club at least 3 days before next Wednesday

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