April 24, 2005

Quiet Sunday

It's been a pretty quiet weekend. I linked to another blog, Journey of a Lifetime.

Just Weight Loss (JWL) posted today about adding a directory to her blog so that those of us struggling to lose weight can find each other easier. I think it's a great idea! I wish there was a category search function on Blogger ... well, if there is one, I don't know how to use it!

JWL also wrote about issues of control and I have to say that I struggle with that too. On the rare occasions we go out to eat, I always have good intentions walking into the restaurant. I'll order something healthy, I think to myself. Then I look at the menu and all reason just evaporates into the kitchen or something. I get really resentful, thinking: we don't go out much, why can't I order what I want? Why can't I enjoy steak instead of having to get a lousy salad? So much for ordering something healthy to eat.

It's something I definitely have to keep working on, very critical if I want to successfully stick to a program.

I didn't do so great today. I didn't turn down the buttered roll, egg & pork roll hubby brought in from the store. I had a sandwich, potato salad and coleslaw for lunch. For dinner I had extra helpings of ham. :P

One day at a time, I have to try again tomorrow.

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