June 28, 2005

The Purpose Driven Life and Taking Herbal Supplements

Strange title for a post, isn't it? My mind is going in all directions!

I got my leather brace yesterday and it felt good on my ankle. Goody, thought I, I will be on the dreadmill and exercising in no time. I wore it for an hour like the doctor said and then took it off. I got on the dreadmill and walked sans brace. I even convinced my daughter to get on and walk too. I felt good.

Today I wore the thing for almost 2 hours, walking around and grocery shopping. Hmm, I thought, I still have a half hour to wear it so why don't I walk on the treadmill again? Bad idea, I guess, because now I have a huge blister on my foot. I have to go back to the prosthetic place and have the brace "adjusted". I feel frustrated on one hand but on the other it's okay ... if the thing needs to be fixed better it should happen now, right?

I just can't wear it again until it's adjusted.

So my brother and I had a good long talk about The Purpose Driven Life. He thought I should read it in small increments so that it's easier to digest. I figured I would give it a try. I read Why Bad Things Happen To Good People and it didn't help me much to understand why I got so fat or why Rich died or just about anything else. I don't imagine this book will hold the answers either, but it would be nice if I felt some motivation and purpose after reading it.

Lots of people take herbal supplements for various reasons, right? There is this new herbal patch that is supposed to curb your appetite. During my investigations of and clickings on various home based business ventures, I responded to an offer for a free week's supply of herbal patches. Herbs--they're natural so they have to be good, right?

As it is, I already take various things with my prescriptions: calcium supplements, vitamin supplements, glucosamine & MSM (for my joints), CoQ10 (for my heart), flax seed oil (hoping that it will be as effective as fish oil...barf), Vitamin C and echinacea. So what's the harm in more herbs?

Then I read this and thought, oh-oh, I better make a list of all the stuff I take and bring it to the pharmacist! God forbid some of this stuff should interfere with my blood pressure meds or my antidepressants. As for the patch -- I haven't used it yet. I'm going to ask first!


Mama Mouse said...

Supplements need to be monitored at least by your pharmacist. I was told several years ago that many people take them and don't tell their doctors ... then they wonder why they have complications during surgery and such!!! YIKES!!!

Be careful ... I stick to my basics ... bp, heart and reflux medications. I take potassium and aspirin and that's it.

I hope you get your brace adjusted soon so that you can go full tilt!

Have a nice day tomorrow and a wonderful sleep tonight!

Anonymous said...

I just got that book too! We can read it and discuss it together. I haven't started it yet, but I plan on reading one chapter a day starting today.