June 05, 2005

So Far So Good

Today my stepdaughter and her family went to an in-law's house for a birthday party and so I have a little breather. So far things have been okay food wise. My stepdaughter understands the difficult issues we have with junk food and so her sugary snacks for her kids remain in their van. I'm grateful for that, especially that she respects our feelings enough to be considerate. I mean, yes, that's good manners but not everyone displays them right? And who needs conflict?

I thought I might be tempted at the movie theater to eat popcorn or something sweet but I managed to get by with just a medium diet soda. My 4 year old granddaughter sat next to me daintily munching on her popcorn and I was so relieved not to have any cravings! The movie wasn't all that great but she really wanted to see it and so that was the part that was fun...that she enjoyed it. My dh took the boys to see Star Wars and ... folks, believe the warnings! This movie is not for young kids!

I don't think I lost weight this week but that is okay. I didn't gain either.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

thanks for visiting my blog. come by anytime.
i went and seen star wars III and it is NOT for lil kids! i was shocked to say the least!
have a great day!!